Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Gluten Intolerance

hi! I originally posted about Celiac Disease in 2009. I really thought since I was 28 that I had this but it was misdiagnosed and I'm glad I did because believing this at the time, I ignored the doctors who wanted to give me medication and I got rid of the symptoms by eliminating gluten foods. Now, it is 2021 and I have in the past 12 years, eliminated: peanuts because I was diagnosed with a blood test as having a slight allergy. the Allergist had me eating a small Reeses Peanut Butter Cup each day to make sure my allergy didn't get worse but then I got fibromyalgia symptom of having pain allover my body and extreme exhaustion: sleeping all day!. so. I stopped eating peanut butter. I stopped eating and drinking lactose products as I got IBS symptoms and finally gave up diet coke as it was causing IBS to. Now I think the doctors got my original diagnosis of IBS correct as i have these other foods to avoid as well. It was difficult to figure out what was causing the ibs but taking different foods out of my diet for weeks is the only way to figure it out and I am so glad I did as I am once again, symptoms free!! You don't have to live in pain and distress with ibs. All you need to do is figure out the foods to avoid. oh yes, avoiding corn now too! good luck and good health!!